суббота, 21 ноября 2015 г.




Book 9




The third part of the teaching of the Himalayan Adept, Djwhal Khul, synthesis of science and esotericism






Tatiana Danina on Smashwords

The Teaching of Djwhal Khul - Thermodynamics
Copyright © 2014

Translation from Russian by Tatiana Danina

The books of the series “The Teaching of Djwhal Khul – Esoteric Natural Science” - “The main occult laws and concepts” - https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/349997
“New Esoteric Astrology, 1” -
Other 6 books of this series are preparing in English and will be soon on Smashwords.
danina.t@yandex.ru  - e-mail

We wish you enthralling reading!


01. Foreword - how does the contact with the Teacher occur?
02. The temperature of elementary particles;
03. The methods of increasing of the temperature of elementary particles;
04. The temperature of chemical elements;
05. The methods of increasing of the temperature of chemical elements;
06. The absolute and relative temperature;
07. The united temperature scale;
08. Mass and temperature;
09. The mechanism of combustion;
10. The heat;
11. Distribution in the matter of first component of the heat - ethereal waves;
12. What is an "explosion"?
13. Distribution in the substance of the second component of the heat - elementary particles;
14. Heat, light and electricity;
15. Plasma;
16. Why at heating do the bodies become at first red?


In physics, the concept of "temperature" refers to the substance (body, environment – these are synonymous) on the whole. In fact the "temperature" characterizes in the first turn taken separately elementary particles, and also particle complexes - such as chemical elements.
Since the chemical elements consist of elementary particles we will primarily analyze the concept "temperature" for the latter, i.e. for particles.
The temperature of elementary particle - is, in other words, its temperament. As we know from psychology there are four types of temperament: melancholic, phlegmatic, sanguine and choleric.
Astrology associating psychological types with "effect of stars" also points to existence of these four temperaments: phlegmatic (corresponding element "Water"), melancholic (corresponds to the "Earth"), sanguine (corresponds to the "Air") and choleric (corresponds to the "Fire"). However, due to "inverted form" of astrological representations and because of the displacement of constellations on the sky, in reality, this classification is not completely accurate. In reality the theme of temperament is quite difficult theme. More information about this you can read in the book "New Esoteric Astrology, 1" (https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/424982)
The particles of any Plan form the color ranges - spectra. If we will classify the particles of each of these spectra by the elements, the Earth - it is violet-blue, the Water – is blue-green. The Fire – is yellow-orange, and the Air - is orange-red.
Before you there is the "Square of elements". And all particles in the Universe can be identified with one of them – with one of the four elements.

As already mentioned, the "square of elements" can be represented as "the scale of elements", where the particles of the lower half have the Fields of Attraction, and of the upper half – have the Fields of Repulsion. Thus, we can assume that the temperature (temperament) - is the outward manifestation of the quality of particles – i.e. presence at it of the fields of attraction or repulsion, and their magnitude.
In the Law of Transformation (see the book “Ethereal mechanics” - https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/416070) it says that the outward manifestation of quality of the particle is changing during the transformation process – i.e. the attraction field (if it was) decreases and the repulsive field appears (or enhanced if it was). I.e. the change (or rather, increase) of the particle temperature - this is the change of the external manifestations of its quality, which occurs in the transformation process.
If all existing particles would be in ideal conditions and would not experience the impact of Attraction and Repulsion Fields of surrounding particles, the transformation process did not happen in them. Accordingly, the external manifestation of the quality of each particle – i.e. its temperature (temperament) - has always remained the same, naturally inherent to the given particle. However, due to the fact that particles constantly interact with each other, their quality constantly transmutes. Thus, in the interacting particles their temperature is always higher than that originally inherent to each of the interacting particles.
The larger is the value of the degree of transformation of the particles, the higher is its temperature.
At the elementary particles that form part of chemical elements the temperature is always higher than that at free particles.
Lowering the temperature of the particles - is the process of returning it to its former condition naturally inherent to it, which it had before the transformation. The smaller the value of the degree of transformation of particles becomes, the lower its temperature becomes.
Accordingly, initial external manifestation of quality at the particles of varying quality varies. Therefore, the same value of the degree of transformation - that is, the same increase of the temperature - leads to different final external manifestation of the quality. This means that at the particles with the originally inherent Field of Repulsion it is bound to increase, whereas at the particles with initial Field of Attraction only decrease of its value can happen. It all depends on the quality of the external manifestations before the transformation, as well as on the value of the degree of transformation.

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