воскресенье, 22 ноября 2015 г.



The books by Robert Monroe are interesting for me for a long time. However, only when I started my own work about the future of humanity and the meaning of life, I realized how much in tune our ideas.
And as soon as I read in the “Far Journeys” about some “loosh-love”, I immediately understood what Robert was trying to convey using this term. After all, the book about the meaning of life and radioactive fragrance was written by me in January 2015. And only in February, after two years, I opened up the second time, “Far Journeys”, where found the story of “loosh” that we, in the words of Robert Monroe, are collecting on the Earth. And the part of the meaning of life in my book is devoted to the idea of ​​collecting of radioactive fragrance extracted by Souls from Matter. Of course, I was surprised by the similarity! I was given the information that we are here for the sake of it. We need to immerse the Spirit into Matter, to then raise the Matter to Heaven.
And Robert Monroe got in the course of his travels the same information. And if something is received in different circumstances, independently of each other, it is likely that this is evidence of the veracity of this knowledge. Anyway, you can see this, reading the book of this author. I will quote it here.
But first we must talk a little bit about Robert Monroe.
Robert Allan Monroe spent his childhood in Lexington, Kentucky, “in a normal and happy family”. In the Ohio State University he studied the basics of medicine, commerce, engineering, drama and English. After graduation of the university in 1937 Robert went to work on the radio as a writer-director.
Working in New York, he regularly wrote articles for magazines and Sunday newspapers, led a column of air in the monthly magazine, created several screenplays. On the radio he was the first who began to conduct a daily program with staging of rail travels (Rocky Gordon), which he carried out for several years. After the war, Mr. Monroe formed his own company, which became one of the largest manufacturers of mass radio programs.
And what happened to him, how he started to leave the body.
“Then I looked again. Something was wrong. This wall had no windows, no furniture against it, no doors. It was not a wall in my bedroom. Yet somehow it was familiar. Identification came instantly. It wasn't a wall, it was the ceiling. I was floating against the ceiling, bouncing gently with any movement I made. I rolled in the air, startled, and looked down. There, in the dim light below me, was the bed. There were two figures lying in the bed. To the right was my wife. Beside her was someone else. Both seemed asleep.
This was a strange dream, I thought. I was curious. Whom would I dream to be in bed with my wife? I looked more closely, and the shock was intense. I was the someone on the bed!
My reaction was almost instantaneous. Here I was, there was my body. I was dying, this was death, and I wasn't ready to die. Somehow, the vibrations were killing me. Desperately, like a diver, I swooped down to my body and dove in. I then felt the bed and the covers, and when I opened my eyes, I was looking at the room from the perspective of my bed” (Robert Monroe, “Journeys out of the body”).
And now here is the epilogue from “Far Journeys”. In it the author surprisingly precisely describes our world.
Cruising the Rings.
The first inner layer or ring was clear and more distinct from my nonphysical perspective, and all seemed to be completely focused on the activities of the in-human physical condition. Any attempts to communicate or divert their attention were met with total unawareness at the least and, at the most, bewilderment, fear, or outright hostility. All were attempting to participate in physical life in one way or another with no success whatsoever. All seemed to have one common characteristic. They were completely unaware of any existence other than physical. Only through repeated observation at first hand was it possible to generally sort out and classify such near-earth humans into some semblance of order.
The Dreamers: This group has a distinctive vibration or radiation that indicates they are attached to a physical body somewhere in the current earth time-space. This infers but does not verify that they may be in an out-of-body state during sleep. They apparently are attempting to continue the activity they have been performing during their physical waking hours, or those they desire or fantasize. Some are simply going through the motions; others are trying to talk with those they know who are physically awake, or eating, drinking, working, playing, trying to perform sexual acts, acting out Mitty-like roles in the middle of Manhattan—all without fruition; all, with few exceptions, without any recognition of similar activities around them. What might be loosely termed evidence of their origin is that they suddenly "wink out" or disappear in the middle of an action. Are they awakening in the physical again, out of sleep? Dream analysts may be on the right track but with the wrong perspective.
The Locked-Ins: These are very similar to the previous category, and might be confused with them initially but for several key differences. This group is composed solely of those who have permanently exited their current physical body—dead physically but don't know it. Consequently, they are trying constantly to continue a physical existence to which they have become habituated. They often remain around physical locations, such as houses, and physically living persons to whom they have become attached. Some continue to attempt reentry into their dead physical bodies and to reactivate them, even into the grave—which may give credence to the strange radiation effects sometimes perceived in cemeteries. The anguish these must go through as they witness the cremation of their physical remains is certainly something to ponder. As with the Dreamers, this group is totally and compulsively bonded to time-space materiality. Moreover, they appear to be deep into enveloping emotionally based fears and drives which they attempt to act out but never conclude. As a group, they are the major blockage in the flow of the human learning experience. Until they are reached and assisted or some glimmer of awareness occurs, they remain in this locked-in state for years, perhaps centuries. Their numbers increase constantly and will continue to do so as long as the physical human values that generate the condition remain unchanged.
The Wild Ones: Much lesser in number than the above but with the same motivating drives expressed in an entirely different manner. The reason is a slight shift in awareness. The Wild Ones do not realize they have lost the use of their physical bodies, and they do not perceive anything other than physical matter reality. However, they are very much aware that they are somehow different. They don't understand the whys or hows of it and have no desire to learn. All they realize is that such difference releases them from all of the restraints, obligations, and commitments that were a part of their physical lives. They construe this as absolute freedom and attempt to express themselves accordingly in the only way they know of—through replicas of physical activity. Thus their efforts to participate in physical human life—which they perceive as taking place all around them—take on many bizarre forms. The previously reported visit to the human sexual pile is a sample. There are implications that whenever a human physical consciousness in waking form becomes “loose” or shaky for whatever reason, it may provide an opportunity for one of these to “piggyback” just for the experience of it. The frequency of such incidents is not known, from my present perspective. Hopefully, very few. They can get mean at times.
There was much to be learned from these inner rings, most of it the hard way if your perspective is still heavily encased in human time-space illusions. It is pointless to recount the many attempted contacts with the inhabitants therein. You can do it yourself without bothering to enter the OOBE state. Interview and observe a cross section group of humans now living in any large city. The resulting data will be a restrained version and much easier to handle. The source of such preoccupation in every case seems to be extreme distortions of the original survival imprint. Evidently there are methods by which rescues are achieved individually and on a relatively large scale—and the process is ongoing. I personally have been involved in only one or two that I can remember, and I am not particularly proud of my efforts. I did learn one or two minor items. First, awareness of the cacophony of discordant, undirected radiation engendered by human thought—identified as M Band noise (my label). Second, how to close down my perception to bring it to tolerable levels. The necessity syndrome again. It's a nice trick to have, even in the physical waking state.
The next ring outward is fairly straightforward. It is composed of those who do realize they are no longer in physical human life, but have no awareness or memory of any other possibility. Often they are stunned by the loss, and do no more than remain in a motionless, nonperceiving passive state, as if waiting for something to take place. They are usually easy to contact, instruct, and lead to a suitable outer ring. The population here is small, relatively, and remains more or less static due to the assistance supplied by the outer rings.
Moving outward, the next ring is the largest of all, and contains an apparently limitless number of sub-rings. However, they all come under a strong general category: At least, all residents here know they have passed through physical death. There may be vagueness and differing beliefs as to what and where they are at this point; hence the often sharply delineated sub-rings. Within this ring, approximately through the center, there exists what might be labeled a null point of a different variety yet quite perceivable from an external perspective. It is generated by the existence of two symbolized energy fields overlapping and exerting near-equal pressure/influence without interaction between the two. There are no standing waves set up by frequencies beating against each other, for the two fields are not compatible. The analogy of a bar magnet with positive and negative fields meeting at the center of the bar does not apply. It would be better to picture a gravity field exerting attraction in one direction and the action of a sitcom on television in another.
On the inner side of such null point, the dominant force is HTSI, short for Human Time-Space Illusion, strongest at the innermost sub-rings and lessening inversely throughout the entire ring until it is quite insignificant on the outer edge. On the outer side of the ring, the dominant force is NPR, or Nonphysical Reality, which is as general as one can get if there is no accurate translation available for the little that is known of it. A mirror image in field strength, the NPR effect is greatest at the outermost edge, diminishing slowly to the null point, then exponentially to the inner edge of the ring.
The pattern of human passage through this particular ring is most fascinating, again from the external view. It is composed of energy in human experiential form moving in two directions, both inward and outward. The inward flow is composed of fresh energy from the NPR area first encountering the HTSI field, becoming more and more attracted by it through a series of in-human existences, passing through this particular ring more rapidly once the null point is crossed. From that point inward, the movement accelerates to the inner edge of the ring and through it, terminating usually in the lowest of the inner rings.
The outward flow, after release from or skirting the innermost rings, commences the haphazard-seeming yet meticulous path through this largest of rings. For some, the passage is relatively direct, with but a few inhuman physical existences to provide the impetus. Others—the great majority—require up to several hundred in-human lifetimes and thousands of earth year cycles to complete the process. The reasons for this wide discrepancy are not obvious to me. However, one characteristic of the more direct route appears to be the careful selection of in-human life experiences, plus accomplishments in the face of what might be termed statistically impossible odds. The two routes both emerge at the outer edge of the ring and lead to the outermost ring.
The single outermost ring is composed solely of those who are preparing for their final in-human experience—the Last-Timers, or Seniors, whichever suits your perspective. They have lost their gray appearance and much of their humanoid form; they are nearly white in radiation with occasional sparkling patterns around them. They are tightly closed, and do not respond to any communication attempts except possibly among themselves. It is difficult to observe their final reentry into human experience. It is either too rapid or instantaneous. Their exit from the final cycle is represented by a sparkling glowing light which moves rapidly outward through the rings, with occasional pauses for some unknown reason. Upon passing this outermost ring, they suddenly disappear from perception, leaving no residual image or trace.
In some respects, the entire process resembles crudely the cycle of an innocent coping with an addictive drug or chemical such as alcohol. The first taste is scarcely palatable, but the effect is interesting, something new. When the opportunity arises, the neophyte takes two drinks just to see if the effect is enhanced—and it is. Uncontrolled, the pattern is all too familiar, all the way down to skid row. Nothing is more important to the wino, nothing occupies his thinking other than where the next shot or hit is coming from. Near-total amnesia is common, and more significantly, a lack of desire to change. He has forgotten who he is and couldn't care less. Reclamation and remembering is a slow and sometimes painful charade. Once achieved, however, the innocent has transformed into a state of being far different from the original first-taster. Where the analogy does not match: In the human life experience sequence, the change is permanent.
Another way to describe the process in contemporary terms: The Unit (the original you?) is attracted and drawn by the human earth energy field. The Unit decided to make a close-in pass-by through the field to obtain data and information. This reduces velocity in the Unit to a degree greater than that calculated to occur from friction, due to the unexpected adherence factor of the particles within the field. The reduction is so great as to fall below escape velocity, and the Unit moves inexorably into an elliptical orbit. At each apogee of the orbit, the Unit passes through the human earth energy field again and gathers additional adhering particles therefrom, causing greater reduction in velocity—which in turn lowers the perigee of the orbit. Finally, the orbit breaks down and succumbs to the now more powerful attraction of the field, and the Unit settles into the field itself, to become a part of it.
To launch and achieve escape velocity, the Unit must (1) remove the adhering particles that created the problem while retaining such information/data/experience so as to bring back Something of Value; (2) develop and store sufficient energy to achieve both launch and escape velocity, which infers a far greater amount than that available at the point of original entry under typical conditions, plus additional reserves to compensate for the extra payload on board.
The solution is made complex by the lack of efficient methods for proper detoxification and removal of adhered particles, as well as the availability of only the most primitive techniques for proper energy distillation and accumulation. Therefore, at best, extrication is a long and arduous process. The key is to begin first with ballistic trajectories, followed by elliptical orbiting, ever increasing the perigee until escape velocity is reached.
Thereafter, the Unit can return to its original base with its payload—or, with its increased energy, move on to greater exploration”. (Robert Monroe, “Far Journeys”).
Here it is not the whole text of the epilogue.

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