суббота, 21 ноября 2015 г.



As already mentioned, the "explosion" - is the heating of the substance in which either all chemical elements possess Fields of Repulsion or there is a large percentage of such elements.
The sum of Fields Repulsion of all elements possessing such fields in the exploding substance form the ethereal wave aimed in all directions from the center of the explosion. The center of the explosion - it's either the central area of the exploding substance or area of the exploding substance with the highest concentration of elements with the Fields of Repulsion. This ethereal wave is a shock-heat wave, the presence of which is typical for any explosions.
The strength of a shock-heat (ethereal) wave can be estimated in any direction from the center of the explosion and at any distance from it. The larger is the cross-sectional area of a shock-heat wave perpendicularly to its direction of distribution, and the greater is the velocity of the ether in it, the larger is the strength of the shock-heat wave.
Since the shock-heat wave - it is an ethereal wave, the mechanism of its action - it is the mechanism of action of ethereal wave. And being an ethereal wave, it causes in elements and particles encountered on the way the Force of Repulsion (Force of Actions).

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