As already mentioned, in the sky there were a number
of changes.
The Nucleus of the Galaxy is now projected onto the
constellation Sagittarius, instead Capricorn.
And more all constellations have moved forward
with respect to the month calendar - counterclockwise.
Unlike the school of Western astrology, the Indian
branch Jyotish account for all these changes. And this is its
distinct advantage and an indication on the living development and not the
follow the deadened traditions. Although the western branch, of course, very
enriched astrology by exact characteristics and deep analytical approach.
But what follows from the changes on the welkin?
First, not Capricorn, but Sagittarius now indicates
that part of the sky, the projection on which of the planets of our solar
system shows the smallest distance from the Nucleus. In other words Sagittarius
now is the sign of the element Earth, and not Capricorn. I.e. when a planet (or
the Sun or the Moon) is projected on Sagittarius, it is closest to the Nucleus
of our galaxy. And the element Earth tells us that the particles exactly of this
quality at this sector of the sky reach us in the greatest quantity (and on the
sectors of other elements there are less of them).
At the same time the zodiac signs Taurus and Virgo are
of consistent quality - they are also belong to the element Earth, as they also
point to the closest distance to the Nucleus of Supergalaxy (Taurus) and the
Central body of the universe (Virgo). Here nothing has changed.
But in the end, under the influence of the Nucleus of
Galaxy only three zodiacal constellations are - Sagittarius, Scorpio and Libra.
But this does not mean that there are three elements too - Earth, Fire and
Water. No, there are still four of them - Earth, Fire, Water and Air. Just now
the element Air comes to a neighboring sector, related to the central Body of
the Universe. And now sign Virgo simultaneously refers to two elements - Earth
(its own area) and Air (neighboring).
As for the constellation Capricorn, which
previously indicated on the Nucleus of the Galaxy - it is now "empty" -
does not belong to any of the Nuclei. "Belonging to the
Nucleus" means to experience its influence, the impact of particles
emitted by it. But do not forget that in some place where of the solar orbit
the Earth was not, each of the three giant celestial bodies affects on it. And
astrology explores only the subtle nuances of this influence.
It was the first change that should be made in the
theme devoted to the detailed adjustments in the interpretation of the
astrological signs.
Due to the fact that the period of revolution of the
Earth around the sun roses, and the length of the calendar remains the same,
all of the constellations have shifted one month forward, counterclockwise.
But the constellations - this is one and the zodiac
signs – it’s quite different. Constellations - it just clusters of stars. And
the signs, as it follows from the very word, indicate. And they indicate to a
location in the space of sources of energy, influencing on our solar system -
giant celestial bodies progenitors. The central body of the universe and Nuclei
of Supergalaxy and Galaxy.
The size of signs and constellations do not match.
Astrological signs – are conditionally selected areas of the zodiacal circle.
There are 12 of them. If 360˚ circle divided by 12, it will turn out that each
sign has 30˚. While the sizes of the constellations can be less and more of
these designated thirty degrees. Zodiac signs are needed in order to be able to
see exactly which sector of the sky to which element and to which of the
nucleus belongs, that it is important to assess the quality of radiation.
We know that in the early days of astrology, zodiac
signs in relation to the calendar were projected by following way. According to
them now, without making any adjustments, all astrologers of western school
also work.
Aries – from March 21 to April 20;
Taurus - from April 21 to May 20;
Gemini - from May 21 to June 21;
Cancer - from June 22 to July 22;
Leo - from July 23 to August 23;
Virgo - from August 24 to September 23;
Libra - from September 24 to October 23;
Scorpio - from 24 to 22 November;
Sagittarius - from November 22 to December 21;
Capricorn - from December 22 to January 20;
Aquarius - from January 21 to February 18;
Pisces - from February 19 to March 20.
Also it is known to us the numbers and months, on
which the certain constellations are projected. It's not outdated information,
and those that correspond to the actual position of the stars in the sky.
Aries - April 19 - May 13 (25 days - while the Sun is
in the constellation);
Taurus - May 14 - June 19 (37 days);
Gemini - June 20 - July 20 (31 days);
Cancer - July 21 - August 9 (20 days);
Leo - August 10 - September 15 (37 days);
Virgo - September 16 - October 30 (45 days);
Libra - October 31 - November 22 (23 days);
Scorpio - November 23 - November 29 (7 days);
Ophiuchus - November 30 - December 17 (18 days);
Sagittarius - December 18 - January 19 (32 days);
Capricorn - January 20 - February 15 (28 days);
Aquarius - February 16 - March 11 (24 days);
Pisces - March 12 - April 18 (38 days).
However, as has been said, the signs – this is one,
and the constellations - are quite another.
Indian (Vedic) astrology Jyotish, unlike Western,
takes into account the displacement of the constellations in relation to the
According to Indian astrology the zodiac signs now are
positioned with respect to the calendar as follows.
Aries - April 14 - May 14;
Taurus - May 15 - June 14;
Gemini - June 15 - August 16;
Cancer - July 17 - August 16;
Leo - August 17 - September 16;
Virgo - 17 September - 17 October;
Libra - October 18 - November 16;
Scorpio - November 17 - December 15;
Sagittarius - December 16 - January 14;
Capricorn - January 15 - February 14;
Aquarius - February 15 - March 14;
Pisces - March 15 - April 14.
What do we use, on what do we navigate – on the signs
or on the constellations?
The answer is – and on the ones and on the others.
In fact, it’s important for us the exact location and
size on the sky only of three constellations - those that indicates to the
celestial bodies first parents. These are Sagittarius (the Galactic Nucleus),
Taurus (the Nucleus of Supergalaxy) and Virgo (the Central Body of the
Universe). These constellations are of Earth element. They correspond to the
shortest distance to these giant bodies.
The exact sizes of the rest constellations are
important a little. The sizes of all constellations are different from each
other. Therefore, in astrology they are replaced by the equal in size Signs.
Thus, we need to determine as accurately as
possible the projection of Nuclei – the Nucleus of Galaxy in Sagittarius. The
Nucleus of Supergalaxy in Taurus – by the location of Pleiades and Hyades. And
the location of the Central Body of the universe - for the Local clusters of
galaxies in Virgo. Unfortunately, the last two Nuclei we can project only
From these Nuclei we will conduct our countdown. And
after this determination, not constellations but signs need for us. In order to
know to which elements which sector (sign) applies, and the radiation of what
quality reaches us.
Aries has pushed back Taurus.
Taurus has climbed into the place of Gemini.
Gemini, in turn, took the place of Cancer.
Cancer is in the place of Lion.
Lion stood up into the place Virgo.
Virgos are born from mid-September to mid-October.
Libra is now instead of Scorpio.
Scorpions ranged from mid-November to mid-December.
Then Sagittarians are born. A long time ago, in
December and January, Capricorns appeared on the light.
Capricorns are born now from mid-January to
mid-February, replacing Aquarians here.
Aquarians pushed back Pisces.
Pisces, in turn, shifted Aries. Now they are born from
mid-March to mid-April.
Here we have listed all 12 astrological signs.
Naturally we should mention the following point. When
we wrote about shifting of the Solar Signs, it is not everything. The planets
now are also projected onto the appropriate signs, having displaced with them
in a month forward.
All the signs have shifted. But have together with the
names and all the familiar characteristics of the signs shifted?
And whether is Aries the Aries now and is Sagittarius the Sagittarius, despite
the displacement? And whether that who are born under the old standards, in the
time of the Solar Sign Virgo, and is now a Lion, does all the qualities and
properties of the Lion get? And so on. I.e. we are primarily interested in
what is now characterize the properties of the zodiac signs due to their
So how do we interpret the signs of the zodiac now with
all these changes. Who is who to date?
We have become accustomed to the existing astrological
standards. But is it actually so as astrologers of the western school assert?
People of course first of all want to know to what
sign do they belong now. And what are the characteristics of this new sign.
First of all, we should remember that when we define
the Solar Sign of the human, we need to turn the constellation opposite. The only
way to know to which sector of the sky our planet was projected at the moment
of birth – at what area of the solar orbit it was. With this, opposite to the
Solar, Sign and we will work, i.e. we will determine to which Nucleus does it
belong and to which element.
Let’s consistently analyze all 12 Solar signs, and
define the radiation of what giant celestial bodies affect them the most, and
what is the quality of this radiation.
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