And now we will consider the phenomenon of light
emission. At first, we analyze it in relation to optical photons. And then we
apply the revealed regularities to any types of elementary particles.
If you've ever observed the process of heating of any
bodies, you should have noticed that the bodies herewith as if moving from one
state to another, and this is expressed in changing their color. Up to a
certain temperature, the substance of the body is or painted in any color, or
transparent, or shiny. Then at the amplification or continuing of heating the
body turns red. For different substances the temperature of appearance of a red
color is different. The easiest way to observe this process by the example of
the combustion of solid bodies, which have per unit of volume the most number
of the chemical elements, and it allows you to create high brightness of
emitted or reflected light.
Emission of light occurs during the heating of
chemical elements of the substance of a body. In the process of emission, in
one way or another there occurs decay (emission) of the peripheral layers of
the chemical element. Naturally, the first will be separated the particles of
solar origin accumulated (absorbed) by the elements on the periphery. And
optical photons separating from the element just allow us to see a chemical
element in the composition of the heated body. But reflected photons falling on
the element (if the heating is carried out by the bombing by falling particles)
are also added to the emitted photons.
During the heating process decay is the greater - i.e.
touches upon the deeper layers of the chemical element - the higher is the
temperature of the element, i.e. the larger is the degree of transformation of
its constituent particles, and the bigger is the number of particles of the
element involved in the transformation process. Decay (emission) of the
peripheral layers of a chemical element as a result of its heating – it’s
combustion of a chemical element. Radioactive elements are also among the
heated chemical elements. And radioactive radiation should
be considered as elementary particles emitted by heated elements.
Any chemical element in the composition of the planet
(except for inert gases) accumulates on its surface solar elementary particles
that move from the upper atmosphere levels (from the ionosphere) towards the
center of the planet. This means that any chemical element at normal
temperature has on its surface a certain amount of solar elementary particles,
including, visible photons. Amount of particles that element accumulate caused
by the peculiarities of its outward manifestation of the total field of
Attraction and Repulsion, as well as their magnitudes.
The heating of the element to a temperature above the
normal means, that on its surface additionally the solar particles with Fields
of Repulsion are accumulated. The particles with Repulsion at all are generally
dominated in the solar radiation reaching the planet. Particles with Fields of
Repulsion increase the total Field of Repulsion of chemical elements on the
surface of which they hit. This Field of Repulsion shields the total Gravity
Field of the element. Because of this, the Force of Attraction caused by this
element in the elementary particles that hit on it decreases. I.e. all new
portions of particles with Repulsion Fields that fall on the element (i.e. heat
it) cease to be attracted by this element and begin to be reflected. The
easiest way - to make to be reflected the particle, which is out of the process
of transformation has the Field of Repulsion. It’s because ether emitted by the
particle is wedged between the particles of the element itself and its emitting
particle, and causes it to move away from the element. Among all the particles
of the Physical Plan all particles of red have this property (because they
create most of ether). Herewith each range on the scale of frequencies
comprises particles of red color. Here you have the explanation of why, at
the heating of any substance the red visible photons are emitted first.
Such optical property of the body, as its coloration
is revealed precisely in the process of emission of visible photons by elements
of this body. However, the manifestation by the body of its coloration has
certain limits. For example, we will not see the color of the body, as will not
see the body at all, if the elements of the body will not be bombarded by any
elementary particles - of any range of the Physical Plan. At the same time, in
order to be visible the body color, it is necessary that on the surface of the
elements of the body there were not accumulated too many "extraneous"
particles - i.e. in order the temperature of the elements of the body would be
close to normal. If the temperature of elements of the body will be too high,
we will see at first the red color, which then goes into the orange, then
yellow, and then white. Whereas in order to be manifested its own body color,
it is necessary that in the process of light emission own peripheral layers of
elements participated, rather than the accumulated "extraneous"
So the body on which the elementary particles do not
fall does not emit light at all - it seems black. And too heated body has red
color (in the initial stages of heating). Only a temperature close to normal
contributes to the manifestation of the true color of the body.
Chemical methods of heating of elements may be
different. It is firstly. Second, elements of different quality react
differently to various heating methods. We will list the chemical methods of
heating of elements:
1) Heating of a chemical element by absorption (accumulation) by it of
elementary particles with Fields of Repulsion. For us living on the planet's
surface it primarily refers to the accumulation of particles of solar origin.
2) Collision with chemical element of elementary particles emitted by
other chemical elements. Otherwise you can name this method as a bombardment of
an element with elementary particles.
3) The movement of a chemical element with respect to ethereal field –
i.e. there is a transformation (temperature rise) of particles in an element
due to the motion.
4) Transformation (heating) due to the action of Fields of Attraction of
another object. Ether of the Field of Attraction moving to its source through a
chemical element heats the particles in its composition. The role of this
transformation (heating) method is increased toward the center of a celestial
body. On a surface of planets this method of heating is weak. But on a surface
of large celestial bodies it has a very powerful effect.
5) Transformation (heating) by the action of the Field of Repulsion of
another object. In this case, a compulsory condition is a fixation of a heated
in this manner chemical element by the Field of Attraction of some object (eg,
the Field of Attraction of a planet). Ether of the Field of Repulsion passes
through the fixed chemical element, and thus heats (transforms) it. Such
heating method is always the case for the chemical elements at the surface of a
body contacting with other, heated body. Or when a chemical element contacts
with other chemical element, in which structure at the periphery there are many
particles with Fields of Repulsion (for example - oxidation of chemical
elements by oxygen or halogens).
All these chemical methods of heating of elements can
lead to emission of optical photons.
However, there is a difference between the first
heating method (accumulation on the surface of the particles with Repulsion
Fields) and other four (different ways of transformation). In the case of
accumulation of particles with Fields of Repulsion the transformation of particles
in the element does not occur. Particles with Fields of Repulsion screen
initially inherent Force Field of the chemical element and reinforce its total
Field of Repulsion. Motion transforms (heats) all particles in the element. At
the collision particles in the strike zone are transformed (heated). The degree
of transformation of particles caused by the action of the total Field of
Attraction of the element is the greater the closer to the center of the
element. At the transformation by the Field of Repulsion particles surrounding
the particle transforming them by the Field of Repulsion are transformed
(heated) to the greatest extent.
Among all listed ways of increase of the temperature
of the element the main is accumulation on the surface of the particles with
Fields of Repulsion Fields (emitted before this by other element). This method
increases the temperature to the greatest extent. Increasing the temperature of
a chemical element - is to increase its total Field of Repulsion. Herewith, the
increased by this way temperature will remain so, as long as the accumulated
particles will not leave the element (will not emit). All other methods can be
regarded as temporary.
Temperature increase by a total Field of Attraction of
an element and by its total Field of Repulsion will disappear if there will be
decay of a chemical element. Conventional (non-radioactive elements) by
themselves are not destroyed. However, and the value of heating of element by
these two ways of transformation is very small (as compared with the heating
due to accumulation of particles Yang). Therefore, these two methods do not
lead to the emission of particles by an element.
Transformation of particles of an element during its
movement lasts until the element moves. And the speed of movement of element
must be very high to there was a significant increase in the temperature and
the emission by the element of named elementary particles.
At a collision there occurs a temporary rise in
temperature (transformation) of particles of the element in the strike zone.
However, this is most often enough to the emission of particle, with which
collision happened of bombard another particle.
https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/danina – all books.
The books
of the series “The Teaching of Djwhal
Khul – Esoteric Natural Science” - “The main occult laws and concepts” - https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/349997
“New Esoteric Astrology, 1” -
Other 6 books
of this series are preparing in English and will be soon on Smashwords.
And book of
my grandpa - https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/432519
danina.t@yandex.ru - e-mail
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