воскресенье, 22 ноября 2015 г.



Initiation - is the process of expansion of consciousness, accession to the body of particles of a new level or Plane.
The higher planes are attached, the greater the initiation, the greater holiness human possesses.
Holiness ... This word speaks for itself. Light. Light - is energy. The higher Planes have the most degree of energy.
The evil, sinful human can’t pass through the Portal of Initiation, because did not exempt from lower schemes of behavior. It’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. Higher planes do not trust, so do not connect with his body.
Initiation signifies human development, the progress up the evolutionary ladder. The Higher Beings trust him (her) the security of Heaven, and it's a lot. It’s easily to stumble and credibility will be lost. Not forever, until it will not be restored. And so on to infinity.
The higher the level of dedication, the higher the level of quality of radioactive fragrance produced by the human soul.
Initiation and the “fragrance” are closely related and interdependent.
Initiation - is the process of approximation, and most importantly, the penetration of the bodies of subtle planes into usual chemical elements of the physical body - into carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, etc. Penetration is the integration. All the planes (and subtle in particular) consist of elementary particles. There occurs integration of particles of subtle planes. They penetrate into protons and neutrons, which by the way are not truly fundamental particles, they are complex.
This process of integration of “subtle” particles initiates the process of radioactive decay. If integration is shallow, then there occurs disintegration of peripheral layers of the chemical elements, and it will not be like a normal decay of heavy atoms.
There occurs the formation of “radioactive fragrance”. The human exudes these particles, rather, complexes consisting of particles of different plans.
Immersion of subtle particles into chemical elements is immersion of Spirit into Matter and disintegration of the elements – Ascension of Matter into Heaven.
These complexes form in the aggregate what is referred to the fifth element, or the seventh Plane - complex, Logoic.
This is the purpose of the universe, God's purpose - to create such complex particle, the "flavor".
This is - the purpose of life on the Earth and on any other celestial body.
Any Initiation - is the radioactive decay of the body. But the body is constantly updated. Chemical elements are replaced.
So they radioactively disintegrate, just when they are permeated by the subtle planes.
If the highest planes go out of the composition of chemical elements, the process of Initiation is terminated as well as decay.

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