We have just learned the nature of the processes of
raising and lowering of the temperature on the example of individual elementary
particles. However, we live surrounded by chemical elements connected to each
other in the composition of bodies. And in everyday life we are dealing with
changes in temperature not of free particles, but of the particles that locate
in the chemical elements. Therefore, we will consider what constitutes the
temperature of a chemical element and its change.
Temperature of any chemical element consists of the
temperatures of all of its constituent elementary particles. As you remember,
the temperature of a single elementary particle - is the external manifestation
of its quality.
As you already know, chemical elements together constitute
a separate, seventh Plan of Being. Differences in the qualitative and
quantitative composition of chemical elements of different types – i.e.
different number of elementary particles of varying quality - explains the
differences in the external manifestation of quality. Some elements have a
total, manifested outwardly Field of Attraction, others – a Field of Repulsion.
Particles with Fields of Attraction that is part of the chemical element need
ether (energy). Ether emitted by particles with the Fields of Repulsion
absorbed by them, thus satisfying their need. In some chemical elements there
is a lack of particles with the Fields of Repulsion. Such elements have a large
in magnitude manifested outwardly total Field of Attraction. The number of particles
with Fields of Repulsion is more at other elements, which leads, as a result,
to reducing or termination of entering of ether from the surrounding ethereal
field. If the particles with Fields of Repulsion in the chemical element
prevail over particles with Fields of Attraction, ether excess in the element
arises which is emitted outward. Chemical elements of different types have
naturally inherent primordial external manifestations of quality – i.e.
originally inherent to them temperatures. Do not forget also that in the
composition of any chemical element the temperature of all of its constituent
elementary particles is higher than the original level, since in all particles
there is the process of transformation caused by the passage through them of redundant
ether moving in the composition of Attraction Fields, forward to the center,
which any chemical element has.
The process of change of the temperature of a chemical
element is a change of the temperature of its constituent elementary particles.
Whenever through the center of one or more elementary particles composed of a
chemical element the redundant ether passes (but not the same as caused by the
gravity of the element), the degree of transformation of the quality of the
particle (of these particles) increases, and the element temperature rises.
Thus, the change in temperature of the chemical element can be partial or
complete. The partial change affects only a part of the elementary particles of
a chemical element, and in the complete all the particles of the chemical
element are involved.
The concept of "temperature" is closely
connected with the concept of "mass". We already talked
about that in the process of transforming the quality of the Gravity Fields of
particles (element "Earth"), in the particles the Fields of Repulsion
appear or enhanced. Emission of ether by particle allows it to move away from
particles (particles) attracting it, in particular from the nucleus of a
chemical element. It’s the hardest thing to overcome the gravity field of the
particle "Earth" for the same particles "Earth". Because
the greatest amount of ether destroyed ether and the smallest of created, the
particles of "Earth" in the process of transformation acquire the
smallest Field of Repulsion. For particles of the element "Fire" it’s
easier to overcome the gravity field of, say, a chemical element. At the same
speed coming to them of redundant ether a Field of Repulsion arises at them,
larger in magnitude as compared with particles of "Earth". It happens
because they create per unit of time more ether. For particles
"Water" to transform the quality it is even easier. They absorb
little ether, and a very small rate of redundant ether passing through them in
the process of gravity is required to them, in order a Field of Repulsion
appears in them. And finally, the same small largest rate as particles “Water”
requires for the particles of element “Air”. However the Field of Repulsion
arising in them is greater in magnitude.
Why did we say this? And because the larger is the
value of the Field of Repulsion arising in the particle during the
transformation, the smaller is the mass of the particle and more its more
distancing from the chemical element. "The bottom"
in this case - is the center of a chemical element, the "the
top" - is its periphery. Similarly, if we are talking about
the heavenly bodies, the center - is "the bottom", and the
periphery and areas located in the direction from the center - it is "the
top". The greater is the mass of the attracted particle, the closer
to the center of a chemical element it is be located – i.e. lower is its
location. Accordingly, the smaller is the mass of the attracted particle, the
farther from the center of the chemical element it is placed – i.e. upper.
The particles of the element “Earth” have the biggest
mass. The particles “Fire” are followed by them, then "Water" goes
and finally "Air".
The bigger is the mass of the
particle, the lower is the temperature (temperament, quality).
Accordingly, the smaller is the mass of the particle, the higher
is the temperature (temperament, quality).
Thus, particle of the element "Air" has the
highest temperature (quality), and a particle of the element "Earth"
has the lowest.
If we will bind the temperature of the particles with
the presence in it of the Field of Repulsion and its magnitude, then any
transformative impact, leading to the appearance or to an increase in the
particle of the Field of Repulsion, leads to an increase of the temperature.
As for the chemical elements of the mineral kingdom,
they consist only of particles "Earth" and "Fire" – i.e. of
particles of the Physical Plan. The larger is the number of the particles
“Earth” in the element and than less of the particles "Fire", the
smaller is the magnitude of the total Field of Repulsion resulting from the
transformation of particles by the Field of Attraction of the celestial body.
And accordingly, the greater is the mass, the closer to the center of the
celestial body this element tends to reside. And the lower is the initial temperature
(quality) of the element.
And conversely, the bigger is the number of the
particles “Fire” composed of an element and less of "Earth", the
bigger is the magnitude of the total Field of Repulsion of the element, the
less is its mass, and the farther from the center of the celestial body such
element will tend to be. And the higher is the initial temperature (quality) of
the element.
So we figured out how the phenomenon of transformation
of quality and the process of temperature increase as free elementary particles
and particles in a chemical element are interconnected. However, as you may
remember, not only a Field of Attraction, creating excessive intake of ether to
the particle, can transform the quality. The transfer to the particle of the ether
emitted by other particle moving by inertia can also transform the quality.
Such method of transformation method and, accordingly, increase of the
temperature we can observe daily during irradiation of chemical elements on the
Earth's surface by solar radiation (i.e., by all possible types of elementary
particles). The most part of the solar particle falling to the Earth are the
radio, infrared, optical and UV photons. Nothing else happens as a collision of
elementary particles moving from the sun, with the elementary particles in the
composition of the chemical elements of the earth. Any moving particle has the
Field of Repulsion – i.e. emitted ether, which carries the "particle
(forces it to move in a predetermined direction). This ether emitted by the particle
- this is its force, momentum, energy, kinetic energy - these are all synonyms.
It is this ether emitted by the particle and is transferred to another particle
in a collision with it. In mechanics it is said on this score: "to
transmit impulse, the kinetic energy", "to influence with
force". In this method of transformation "collisions" take place
mainly on peripheral elementary particles of bombarded elements. Later, when
parsing optical phenomena, we take a closer look at what happens in the collision
of moving by inertia elementary particles with particles in chemical elements
(The book “The Teaching of Djwhal Khul - Optics and color theory” will be
soon on English).
Transformation of particles occurs at the
There are two other ways of transforming of the
particles by inertial ether: 1) collision of bodies (substances); 2) friction
of bodies (substances). These methods are similar to each other. Friction
- is a variant of compression, but at the same time additionally there is a
movement of chemicals elements tangentially with respect to each other. At the
small magnitude of pressure the friction more efficiently transforms the
quality of compressed particles and, accordingly, increases their temperature.
Collisions of particles - this is an extreme case of compression, characterized
by a large value of the pressure exerted by particles on each other (or one
particle on another).
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