понедельник, 6 августа 2018 г.



"Blue" of the sky in the textbooks of physics is explained by Rayleigh scattering of light rays — the increase in scattering to the blue part of the spectrum and a decrease to the red.
Here is what Pasachoff JM writes about the scattering of light in his book "Entertaining Astronomy: All the Secrets of Our Star - the Sun":
“When light "bounces" from tiny particles, we say that it is scattered. This changes the direction of its spread, sometimes directly to the opposite. The smaller the wavelength, the more the lighter is scattered. So the blue light dissipates more than the red light. … So the blue light dissipates more than the red light … If the size of the scattering particles is much larger than the wavelength, the Rayleigh scattering will not be. Large particles equally scatter all wavelengths.  So the sky is blue because of scattering on small particles, and the clouds are white because of scattering by large molecules, of which these clouds consist. … when light passes through air, it undergoes Rayleigh scattering. Passing a large thickness of air, the blue light diffuses so much that it does not reach you, and only the red light remains visible”.
We have already discussed what the scattering of streams of elementary particles is. Scattering - it is the same as the refraction - that is, deviation of the trajectory of motion of elementary particles under the action of fields of attraction of chemical elements. Indeed, to the violet part of the spectrum (and not to the blue part) the scattering of particles increases, while to the red one - decreases. But if you agree with scientists and consider the cause of the blue sky a greater scattering of blue rays of light, then it would be logical to assume that the atmosphere should be colored not in blue, but in purple, since the scattering of violet rays is even greater than that of the blue ones.
Why do not we give up this point of view and just assume that the blue color of the atmosphere is due to the presence in its composition of a substance possessing this color. Let's turn to the qualitative-quantitative composition of the air.
“Air, a mixture of gases, of which the Earth's atmosphere consists: nitrogen (78.08%), oxygen (20.95%), inert gases (0.94%), carbon dioxide (0.03%)… liquid air - bluish liquid” (Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary, editor-in-chief A.M. Prokhorov, the article "Air").  
Nitrogen, oxygen, inert gases and carbon dioxide are optically transparent substances that do not have color. But herewith the liquid air is a bluish liquid, ie it has the same color as the sky above us. In addition, liquid oxygen is a light bluish liquid. Is there any connection here?
There is a connection. Obviously, ozone stains the atmosphere in blue.
In general, chemists know two main types of oxygen – normal, which usually surrounds us and which we breathe, and ozone, which is part of the ozone shield and occurs during thunderstorms.
What is the difference between them?
Oxygen is a very active oxidizer. The oxygen atom has a light nucleus. In addition, a characteristic feature of oxygen atoms, combining it with other elements of the 6th group of the periodic system is the presence in its surface layers of a large percentage of infrared and radio photons of red color (which, as we know, have Repulsion Fields). A light core, as well as a large content in the surface layers of particles with repulsion fields, is the reason that oxygen under normal conditions is a gas – it exposes in general outward the total Repulsion Field.  However, the visible photons of blue (with the Fields of Attraction) are the cause of the existence of zones on its surface, where the atom manifests outwardly the Field of Attraction. It is in these zones the atom accumulates free elementary particles (mainly of solar origin). But in those areas where particles with Repulsion Fields are located, free particles do not accumulate.
Ozone is the oxygen that has lost, partially or completely, from the periphery, the free particles it has accumulated. In the narrow sense of the word, ozone is only free oxygen, which has lost free particles.
And in a broad sense, any element of oxygen, which has lost free particles from the periphery, is in the state of ozone. It is in this "ozone" state the oxygen is contained in chemical compounds. This means that in the composition of water and in the composition of carbon dioxide, oxygen is in the ozone state.
Chemically, ozone is more active than conventional oxygen – ie easier enters into chemical compounds. This feature is explained by the loss from the periphery of the accumulated free particles. Accumulation of particles increased the distance to the center of the atom that reduced the Attraction Force to its center. And also this atom with a smaller Force itself was attracted by other atoms. And also this atom with a smaller Force itself was attracted by other atoms. The liberation from accumulated free particles led to the fact that the aspiration of this atom to connect with other atoms increased. For this reason, oxygen, which is in the ozone state, is better attracted by other atoms and forms bonds with them.
The presence of free particles in ordinary oxygen and the absence of these particles in ozone underlies the differences in their color. Ordinary oxygen is colorless, and ozone - blue or light blue (blue is a light shade of blue, not an independent color). Colorless of conventional oxygen is explained by the predominance in its peripheral layers of IR and radio red photons. Their emission in response to the fall of sunlight does not cause us any color sensation. That is why ordinary oxygen, in which the peripheral layers are closed by accumulated particles, is colorless. But the peripheral layers of oxygen in the ozone state are open. Therefore, when elementary particles fall onto ozone atoms, visible photons, originally inherent in oxygen, are knocked out. And in those oxygen atoms that prevail in the composition of the Earth, in the peripheral, there are most of all of visible photons of pure blue color (ie not those in the composition of green or purple). These visible photons among the visible photons of blue have average fields of attraction. Hence the blue color of oxygen in the ozone state.  
And now there are a number of scientific facts in favor of the fact that it is ozone that causes the blue color of the sky.  
The water vapor, carbon dioxide, ozone and some other chemical compounds that are present in the earth's atmosphere intensively absorb infrared radiation” (Physics of space”, ch. editor S. B. Pikelnerarticle Infrared radiation”).  
Infrared radiation is the elementary particles of higher levels of the Physical Plane compared with optical photons. 
Ie the Attraction Fields of these particles have a smaller value. Ie the Attraction Fields of these particles are smaller, and the Repulsion Fields are larger than those of visible photons. 
The concentration of carbon dioxide in the air is too low for its cold oxygen to color the air blue. However, we can observe the azure of water at depth and of rain clouds due to the large concentration of water molecules. In addition, oxygen in the air also dissolves in the water. The more oxygen is dissolved in water, the bluer color it hasMany will agree that in cold weather, as well as in a cold climate, the water is colored in the bluer color. This is due to the fact that the lower the temperature of the atmosphere, the greater the concentration of oxygen near the surface of the Earth (and water). As well as the fact that it easier connects with water hydrogen because of the stronger gravitational fields of both elements - oxygen of air and hydrogen of water - in connection with their low temperature. 
Rain clouds turn blue again because the water elements (oxygen and hydrogenforming them lost a lot of accumulated free particlesbecause of which their peripheral particles with the Fields of Attraction are bare. As a result of this the centripetal fields of attraction of the elements begin to manifest themselves to the outside to a greater extent. As a resultthe bonds between the water molecules become strongerthe droplets coalesce. Clouds are ready to shed rain. Here it should be noted that the cooled chemical elements of the surface of the planet and the surrounding air take away the accumulated particles from the oxygen and hydrogen atoms of waterThat's why the rain begins to pour when the air and surface temperatures drop  
"Ozone shield" is nothing but cold oxygen in the airin the stratosphere and the lower layers of the mesosphereat altitudes of 15-50 km. The maximum concentration of cold oxygen (ozoneis at an altitude of 15 km. 
This is due to the fact that the air temperature at this altitude is from -4to -75 degrees CelsiusThereforeoxygen there and exists in a cold state - in the form of ozone.   
The color of the ozone shield is the color of the skyIn hot weather and in a hot climatethe sky seems to us "higher".  This is explained by the fact that the higher the temperature of the atmospherethe higher the concentration of oxygen in the upper layers of the atmosphereand less - at the surface of the EarthThere is a kind of strengthening of the "ozone shield" - it gets more oxygenwhich rises from the surface upwards 
Thereforefrom winter to summer in the Northern Hemisphere, a gradual "lifting of the skytakes placeFrom summer to winteroxygen gradually approaches the surface. "Blueas if descends to the surfaceand we can observe in a clear weather a kind of blue of the ambient airThe concentration of oxygen at the surface of the Earth is increasingbut at the height of the "ozone shieldis falling  
It is the ozone shield and the water vapor scattered in the atmosphere that make the Earth visible from space blue. 
There is another place where we can see the blue color of cold oxygenIt's the blood of animals and peopleIt's the blood of animals and people.  
Loss from the periphery of particles with Repulsion Fields means that a chemical element is deprived of a part of its "ether suppliers". After alldue to the prevalence of particles with Repulsion Fields in its compositionthe usual oxygen also has an outwardly appearing Total Repulsion Field. 
Thusozone has a weak attraction field. 
As is knownelements with fields of attraction have the ability to scatter elementary particlesIe they deflect the moving elementary particles in their directionthereby supporting their inertial motion and accelerate themAs a resultthe solar elementary particlesmoving in the environment of the elements of ozonecollide with these elements more often and at a higher speedcompared to the environment of ordinary elements of oxygen. 
This factas well as the fact that the periphery of the elements of ozone is devoid of part of the particles with the repulsion fields and the blue visible photons are therefore more bareleads to the fact that a larger number of blue visible photons is emitted in response to the fall of solar elementary particles on them in comparison with ordinary oxygen. 
Hence the blue color of ozoneas well as the bluish color of the compoundswhere oxygen is in the ozone stateIn the composition of carbon dioxidethe ozone state of oxygen is less pronounced compared to waterbecause carbon manifests less strong metallic properties than hydrogen and therefore takes less particles from the periphery during the formation of a compound with oxygen. 

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