четверг, 11 января 2018 г.



The acquired shine appears in solids during their friction against each other.
In the process of friction the bodies are squeezed and moved relative to each other.  Even a perfectly flat surface of the body is not really that. Chemical elements protrude above the surface of the body.  And the chemical elements themselves are spheres. Therefore in the composition of surface chemical elements the particles of peripheral layers protrude most of all. In bodies squeezed and moved relative to each other peripheral particles in the composition of the surface protruding elements collide with each other. Or the protruding elements themselves collide even entirely. In any case, colliding particles or elements force each other to leave the bodies, in the composition of which they are included. And as always in collisions particles leave the composition of elements and the elements - the composition of the bodies either by submitting to the Force of Pressure, or by ether transformation emitted by particles with repulsion fields in the inertially moving elements of bodies.
The greater the speed of movement of rubbing bodies, the greater the magnitude of the Pressure Forces and also the Forces of Inertia (which strengthens the degree of transformation).  If the magnitude of these Forces is greater than the magnitude of the Attraction Force retaining the particles in the composition of the elements and the elements in the composition of the body, so there is a separation either of the peripheral particles from the surface elements or of the surface elements from the body. Separation of surface chemical elements is a partial destruction of the body. So usually there occurs an alignment of the friction surfaces. Separation of peripheral particles is their emission. Ie in the process of friction the surface chemical elements of rubbing bodies emit the 2nd component of heat - elementary particles.
The loss of peripheral particles by the surface elements of rubbing bodies "denudes" deeper layers of particles in these elements. And the deeper inside the chemical elements, the larger the magnitude of the attraction fields of particles located there. As a result, the magnitude of the element's Attraction Field manifesting outward increases in those areas of chemical elements, where they lost part of the peripheral particles.  
As a result, in those zones of chemical elements, where their deep layers are bare, more number of free particles begins to accumulate, particles with repulsion fields are better hold. And in the end, there occurs an "etheric shield" in the form of ether emitted by particles. This enhances the reflectivity of the body in that place, where friction was produced. And as a consequence there occurs shine .
Rubbing bodies, unless they had a metallic shine or were transparent, must necessarily have this or that color. As already mentioned in the paragraph on color the presence of color means that a sufficient number of optical photons is contained on the periphery of the elements of a given body forming in aggregate one or another color, which manifested itself in the process of their emission in response to the fall of elementary particles moving from the sources of "light".
In the process of friction, optical photons of surface elements are in one way or another "erased” – ie are emitted during collisions. As a result, in those zones of chemical elements, where they lose optical photons, which formed the color of the elements, Fields of Attraction of elements increases and there is a process of accumulation of free particles (which have 100% solar origin). Partial or total loss of optical photons causes a loss of color in the surface elements of rubbing bodies. But only in places of their collisions. In the same places, the Fields of Attraction of elements increase (or they appear) and the accumulation of free particles. And this leads to the reflection of the falling "light" (optical photons). That's what it is - the emergence of the acquired metallic luster in rubbing bodies.
However, as we can see from experience rubbing bodies do not completely lose their color. They preserve it along with the appearance of brilliance. Why is it so?
The preservation of color is due to the fact that surface chemical elements only partially lose optical photons. There is a loss of optical photons (and other particles) only in those areas of chemical elements that collide. And those areas of elements that do not collide do not lose particles. Besides only the most protruding elements above the surfaces of rubbing bodies lose optical photons. So there is the preservation of the color inherent in the bodies.
As you understand, in order to acquired shine began to form in the rubbing bodies the surfaces of rubbing bodies should be smooth. Otherwise, pre-destruction will occur, chipping away parts of rubbing bodies until the surfaces are leveled.
Apart from this if the value of the repulsion forces arising in particles of colliding elements will exceed the force of attraction between the elements, which preserve connections between them, the destruction of rubbing bodies can occur. The greater the pressure exerted by the rubbing bodies on each other, the more the layers of surface elements penetrate each other, and the more the number of collisions increases. The greater the number of surface elements comes off. If the pressure is not large, then the number of leaving elements is much smaller.
Thus, it is a small pressure – ie surface friction - leads not to the detachment of elements, but to the detachment of particles, and the appearance of the acquired shine .
The greater the speed of movement of rubbing bodies relative to each other,  the greater is the magnitude of the repulsion forces, which leads to the fact that in a unit of time the surface elements of rubbing bodies will lose more particles. Accordingly, the acquired shine will appear faster and will be stronger.
If rubbing bodies were transparent (or one of them), then in the process of friction (grinding) they do not lose transparency. But in addition to it they acquire shine . This phenomenon we can observe in the example of all kinds of polished precious and semiprecious stones or simply of transparent plastics.  
Gases and liquids can not get the acquired shine. This is explained by the fact that the Forces of Attraction linking individual elements or elements of different molecules are small in comparison with the Repulsive Forces arising from friction. As a result, the shape of bodies in the liquid or gaseous state under pressure is easily deformed - ie elements move by the action of collision against each other. This does not contribute to the emergence of "denudation" of deep layers in the composition of surface elements. As a result, the acquired shine can not arise.