пятница, 6 января 2017 г.



Two processes cause the color coloration of substances at normal temperature (or close to it) – reflection, coupled with the emission. Under normal conditions all substances are just in a slightly heated condition. The temperature that is typical for normal conditions or close to it, inherent for surface layers of a celestial body of planetary type.

Thus, on the surface of the planet we perceive the coloration of the substances due to the reflection of the falling visible photons and of emission of the accumulated solar visible photons that are punched out by particles falling on the atoms. The emission of accumulated visible photons of all presented types in response to bombardment by the falling on elements elementary particles together with the reflected visible photons determines the color that this atom will have in our perception.

Since our visual analyzers are tuned on the perception only of visible photons, so it's interesting for us the presence in the composition of atoms exactly this species of elementary particles.

How is it that the chemical elements are painted in certain colors?

As we already know from chemistry, every chemical element has unique, peculiar to it alone qualitative and quantitative characteristic. This characteristic indicates the quality and quantity of all particles presented in the composition of the element. And the Force Field of the element manifested externally precisely corresponds to this characteristic. It means that above the each particle in the composition of the surface layer we will perceive from the side or the Field of Attraction, or the Field of Repulsion. And the magnitude of these fields over each particle can have its own value different from other.

For what purpose is it said? In order to remind - where the chemical element manifests outside the Field of Attraction, there is an accumulation of free particles coming from the Sun. These solar particles accumulating on the surface of the chemical elements contribute to the characteristics of visual perception of this chemical element - i.e. whether the element will create shine or coloration or other optical property. And if it's coloration, so in which color will be painted the element? And what tone will be inherent to the color - light or dark?

In order for the color inherent in the element manifests outwards, it is necessary that solar photons of a certain color accumulate on its surface.

It is the zones on the surface of the element where free particles accumulate that will be responsible for the color of the atom.

And also for how the tone of the chemical element will be light or dark. The more such zones, the brighter will be the tone of the overall color. The less number of these zones, the darker. It is explained very simply.

In response to the bombardment of falling particles, the atom emits accumulated solar photons. They determine the color of atom.

When in the "light rays" emitted or reflected by a source of "light" approximately the same percentage of visible photons of all colors is contained, our visual analyzer does not distinguish between individual colors - i.e. it does not define the prevalence of the visible photons of some one color. Our brain just characterizes the color of this "light ray" as "white", "light", probably due to the fact that the total number of visible photons entering into the eye per unit of time is large. As a result, approximately an equal number of visible photons of all colors adds to the visible photons responsible for the color of this element. This makes the light beam lighter.

In our case, if we want to assess the color features of one or another chemical element, we will be interested in the color of the solar visible photons accumulated in the peripheral layers.

Any atom (chemical element) is a planet of microscopic dimensions.
But remember the principle - "Both above and below."

There is no biological life on this microscopic planet, as we have on Earth. However, as in the Earth, in the center of any atom is a dense body - the core. And the building material of this core are the complexes of simple elementary particles. These are protons, neutrons and many other varieties of unstable elementary particles, which scientists continue and continue to “discover”.

And how could it be otherwise?

The basis of protons, neutrons and other unstable conglomerates are fundamental elementary particles of the Physical Plane (and not only, if we are talking about biological objects).

At least one stable (fundamental, indivisible) particle has joined or left the atom - and immediately the “quality” of the conglomerate - an unstable particle - changes.

Quality is the total mass / anti-mass, +charge / -charge, Attraction Field / Repulsion Field, Matter / Spirit, mass / energy, etc.

Imagine how many atoms can exist!

And they exist!

Remember the table of D. Mendeleev. Isotopes. Isobars ...

Some atoms that contain more protons, neutrons (etc.) - lower periods, as well as a smaller percentage of particles in the red part of the spectrum - the initial groups of the table, have a larger Attraction Field, accumulate more solar particles.

And vice versa - atoms with less number of protons and other complex particles are the upper periods, and with a larger percentage of particles in the red part of the spectrum - the groups on the right side of the table have a smaller Attraction Field and accumulate less solar particles.

Inert gases contain a very large percentage of red photons in the composition of protons and neutrons. Therefore, they weakly accumulate solar particles and hardly enter into chemical reactions.

Photons of different ranges of the frequency scale of electromagnetic waves have different qualities - mass / anti-mass, charge, Force Field...

γ-rays, X-rays, ultraviolet radiation, optical radiation, infrared radiation, electromagnetic terahertz radiation, electromagnetic micro and radio waves... And this is only the Physical Plane... There are also particles - (dash) - radiation of other Planes, higher than the Physical - Astral, Mental, Buddhic, Atmic, Monadic.

The heaviest particles tend to get closer to the surface (to the center of the atom) - like all heavy substances on any planet or celestial body.

The smaller the mass of the photon, the less it is attracted by the atom, and the less it tends to its surface, and the worse it is retained in the composition of the atom.

Thus, the violet part of the visible spectrum is deposited on the atom in the first place. Then blue photons. Then green, yellow, orange, and finally red. They are above everyone else. And it is most difficult for them to stay in the composition of the atom. And when heated, they are emitted first.

Look at the flame of a burning candle or match. Its upper part is red, and the lower part is violet, turning into blue above.

And the halo around electrical appliances is the same - purple-blue colors are closer to the light source, orange-red colors farthest.

So, gradually, we bring you to the thought of the reasons for the coloration of bodies, substances and atoms.

What will be the Force Field of the atom in quality and magnitude, such color solar photons will be accumulated on the surface of the atom. If the red ones are held in the composition of the atom (the Field of Attraction is large) - the color of the atom will be red. If the reds are not held and the orange do, then the color is orange.

And so on.

Moreover, pay attention to an important fact!

The photons of solar origin (of any range), accumulating inside the atom and on the surface, change its Force Field!

Therefore, in the course of chemical reactions substances often change their color. Photons / electrons flew from one atom to another - and that's it! The Force Field of both atoms has changed!

This means that the external perception has also changed - color, shine, black color, white, transparency, etc.

That is the whole explanation - in general terms - of the reasons for the coloring of atoms in one color or another. And also their shine, etc. - i.e. other optical characteristics.

Everything else requires a more thorough approach and a specific analysis of each case.

We really hope that the series of these books and these articles will attract the attention of inquisitive minds who are able to think outside the box, but at the same time respect logic and facts!


If a substance consists of atoms of the same type, then it is easiest to give color assessment of a given substance. The visible photons prevailing at the periphery of the elements of a given substance determine the main color line that characterizes the given substance. Visible photons of another quality, which are contained in the periphery of the atom in smaller quantity, give the "main" color certain shades. As a result, the color of an atom of some particular type is formed.

If the composition of the substance contains chemical elements of different types, then the main color becomes even more complicated.

As a result, in the surrounding world we can observe not so many substances painted in pure colors - i.e. in one of the colors of the rainbow (spectrum). Very often we see a combination of complementary colors - orange, green and purple, giving rise to colors that are very far from the six main ones.

Purposefully, people have learned in large volumes to isolate or create a substance-dyes having a pure color. It is for this reason that pure colors are most often present in the coloring of industrial products and food packaging. And all our everyday life, as a result, is decorated with all the colors of the rainbow.

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